My Sunny Summer Poem

This term in week 5  we ere learning how to use alliteration. Alliteration is when Two or more words start with the same letter but it doesn’t always have to be a letter in can sometimes be the sounds like c and k they both sound the same. We used alliteration by making a poem and there was a topic on our poem and it had to be about a season I did Summer because I like hot days and being at the beach. I used Google slides to make this.

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10 thoughts on “My Sunny Summer Poem

  1. Kia ora Vivienne. You have written a fantastic alliteration poem that reminds me about a lot of different things in summer. The backgrounds and images you have used are very eye-catching and suit your topic. Did you enjoy using alliteration and do you think you will use it again in any of your writing?

    1. Kia Ora Ms Wilkinson
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. Yes I did enjoy using alliteration because it was really fun to have the seasons as the topic and Yes I might be using alliteration in my writing. It was a little tricky to get some very catchy backgrounds to suit my topic. Maybe next time are you gonna remind us about alliteration?

      1. Tēnā koe Vivienne. I am so pleased you enjoyed using alliteration and that you might be using it again in other writing that you do. I will definitely be reminding you about it for other writing that we do so that you can keep working on making your writing as interesting as you can. Did you prefer learning about alliteration or personification and which one do you think you will use the most?

        1. Kia Ora Ms Wilkinson
          I prefer learning about alliteration more than personification because it was much easier and maybe I might be using both of them , but learning personification was very interesting. Do you think I could do better next time we use personification and alliteration in our writing? Did you enjoy teaching us about alliteration and personification?

  2. Kia ora Vivienne.I really like your alliteration poem.It is very pretty it’s just like a summer you have such amazing ideas.Did you think about maybe using a different font cause maybe some people might not be able to read it.What was your favorite part of your alliteration poem?

    1. Kia Ora Willow
      Thank you for commenting on my post/blog. Yes next time I will use a different font for my writing. My favourite part of my alliteration poem was the backgrounds. Do you think we might be using alliteration again?

  3. Hi Vivienne
    I like the colours that you used for alliteration poem they match the theme perfectly. I also like that it felt like summer. Did you think about maybe adding some different colours to add more brightness. Maybe next time instead of doing a lot of flowers maybe do more beach vibes. Did you enjoy making you alliteration poem?

    1. Hi Chloe
      Thank you for commenting on my post/blog. Yeah I did think of adding different colours to add more brightness but I just didn’t really know how to. Yes I will do more beach vibes next time we do like a Summer topic, I don’t know why I put cherry blossoms as some of my backgrounds even though it wasn’t related to Summer. Did you also enjoy learning about alliteration?

  4. Kia ora Vivivenne, that poem was great and at the end i liked how you put pandas,bunnies and boba tea it was cool and also the poem was so interesting i almost re-read it and its so fun to read and have good day from your best BFF Rubi

    1. Hi Rubi
      Thank you for commenting on my blog post. Yes I also liked the bunnies, pandas and boba. I decided to put bunnies, pandas and boba at the end because I really like those things. Did your class learn about alliteration yet? Have you used alliteration in your other writings?

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