Cybersmart Challenge (Animation Slide)

Hello! Today we had a Cybersmart challenge to do and we had to make an animation only using some certain characters and only using 15 slides to make it. It was a little hard bc the limit was only 15 slides. I hope you enjoy watching my animation!


2 thoughts on “Cybersmart Challenge (Animation Slide)

  1. Hello vivienne,
    I like how creative you have been with this challenge and you did a very good job animating this.I like the story because i find it has been done very well. I found it funny that the moon popes out of nowhere.
    Did you have fun making this?
    Was it hard to make?
    Did you ask anyone for help or instruction?

  2. Hi Vivienne.
    I really liked your animation I thought it was funny and creative.This reminded me about when I did my cybersmart animation challenge. Next time you could… add even more slides instead of just having 16 and the things just popping out of nowhere. Did you enjoy making this?

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