✧・゚:* Cook Islands *:・゚✧

So this week at school we had book week and the theme was pirates. We did a lot of things and it was alright and we had to make a DLO about the Cook Islands and this is what I did. I did this DLO on Canva, if it’s to fast you can pause it if you want. Enjoy<3

6 thoughts on “✧・゚:* Cook Islands *:・゚✧

  1. Kia Ora Vivienne,

    I really like how you have made the backgrounds so that it moves and isnt just a plain background.
    Maybe next time you could add more details aobut the cook Islands like colors or where it is.
    Over all I really like you amazing DLO
    Have a great day 🙂


  2. Hello Vivienne.
    The facts were really interesting and fun to watch.
    I liked how displayed the video.
    did you enjoy doing thing DLO?
    Why did you do this video?
    Have a great day.
    From Amber.

  3. Kia Ora Vivienne,
    This post is really cool!
    I love the ocean background while playing the days of the week. The detail you put into the flag was really good to, next time maybe you could add some more about the culture or the food
    Good job!!!
    ~ Ava

  4. Kia Ora Vivienne,
    This blog post is really good i think you really added lots of information I really like how you added the days of the week on there it looks really good. Why did you make it a video? what plat form did you make this on? How long did this take you? have a good day _ Hollie🤗

  5. Hello Vivienne,
    I am Kiriana from St Francis of Assisi I’m a year 7.
    You have done a great job with your blog I have learned a lot about the cook islands. You added a lot of info and you made your canva very beautiful and all the colours match!
    Next time maybe you could add some Info about the types of food they eat and what they wear.
    Overall you have done an amazing job.
    Keep up the great work!
    – Kiriana

  6. Hi Vivienne,
    I am Jules and I go to st Francis of Assisi.
    I loved your video and I thought all the colours were really nice, along with all the detail on the flags over it was great but maybe next time you could add a bit more on how the people there live, for example who could add some of the traditional dishes there or some of there history.
    Have you ever been to the cook islands?

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