A day in Chew and Swallow

Today we were writing and we were gonna make a recount and pretend that we were in the town of Chew and Swallow and what we had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you don’t know what Chew and Swallow is well it is like a movie  and a story and the actual title is  CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS. I recommend you watch the movie or read the book it is really good. This one below is mine:D


                                                                A day in Chew and Swallow

One early morning, I woke up and got dressed, I got my utensils ready and headed outside I carefully put my plate on my head and waited for the food to come down from the sky, much later it started to drip orange juice then it started to rain sunny side up then it started to rain bacons I laughed as they fell down from the sky. I went back inside after I ate my breakfast, I went to the local pool and swam there while I waited for lunch to come.


 Several hours later, I checked my watch and it was already 12:00. I quickly got dressed and headed outside. I quickly got my utensils and did the same thing I did this morning.


This time it rained spring rolls and quickly put my plate on my head and waited after I got my plate off my head. There were like 50 spring rolls on my plate, some of them were even falling off. I quickly ate them and headed back home. The rain well the spring rolls stopped after 20 minutes. 


I took a nap while I waited for dinner, I woke up and watched tv while I still waited for dinner. I checked my watch and it was 5:45. It was almost dinner. 


I wondered what was for dinner. Later I heard droplets of apple juice and then I saw pizza slices coming from the sky. It was cheesy garlic pizza, my favourite. I ate all my pizza and again I went back home. I was so tired that day I went to bed early and waited for the next meal in the morning.

Best Things

Today we were blogging and we got to decide on what we should post so I decide I would post this its not new it was just from a few months ago. These are the things I like the most. I hope you like it 🙂

Think And Write

This week we have been doing a Think and Write challenge if you don’t know what a Think and write is , it is fun a writing challenge, so there are instructions and so this is the Think and Write I did and I hope you like it. 🙂

All About Me


All About Me

Hello my name is Vivienne and I am a year six student. I have a brother and he is younger than me. My favourite subject is maths because I like solving equations. In my free time I like to play piano or play on my device. I can play a few songs on the piano. I like playing Roblox and hanging out with my little brother.My favourite food is sushi and spicy ramen. I love bunnies they are so cute>o<

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